___________________________________________________________________________ TERRABLOOD SKILL CHART (for lack of a real name) Based off Hoser Report/Bagman with additional confirmations. This is an ongoing progress. Last edited 3/2/04 Most current version is at http://www.terrablood.com/dm/terrabld.txt (* = Confirmed. # = Implied but not proven.) (@ = Confirmed 1 implied. ! = Unsure/Need to confirm.) ******* STRENGTH ******* Num. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 Att. +1* +1* 0# 0# 0* +1* +1* 0# +2* +1* +1# +1# +1# Par. +1* +1# 0# 0# 0* +1* +1* 0# +2* +0# +0# +0# +0# ******* SIZE (Exact) ******* Num. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ini. -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 Par. 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 Def. 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 ******* WIT ******* Num. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 Att. +1# +1* +1# +2# +1* +1* +1* 0* +2* +1* +1# +1# +1# Dec. +1* 0* 0* 0# 0# 0# +1* 0# +1* +1# +1# +1* +1# Def. +1* +1# +1# +2# +1* +1* +1# 0* +2* +1* +1* +1* +1# Ini. +1# +1# +1# +4@ +1* +1* +1# 0* +2* +1# +1* +1* +1# Rip. +1# +1* 0# 0# 0# +1* +1* 0* +2@ +1* +1# +1* +1# ******* WILL ******* Num. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 Att. 1 +1* 0# 0* 0* +1# +1* 0* +2* +1* +1* +1* +1# Dec. 1 1 0# 0* 0* +1* +1* 0# +1* +1* +1* +1* +1# Def. 1 1 0# 0* 0* +1! +1* 0* +2* +0* +0* +0* +0# Par. 1 1 0# 0* 0# +1# +1* 0# +2# +1* +1* +1# +1* Ini. 0 0 0# 0* 0# 0# 0* 0* 0* +1* +1* +1* +1* ******* SPEED ******* Num. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 Dec. 0# 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0# 0# +0# +1# +1# +1# +1# Def. +1* +1* 0# 0* 0* +1* +1# 0# +2# +1# +1# +1# +1# Ini. 0* 0# +1* 0* 0* +1* 0# 0# +2# +1# +1# +1# +1# Rip. +1# +1* +1# +2* +1* +1* +1# +0* +2@ +1# +1# +1# +1# Num. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Dec. +1# +1* +1* +1* +1* +1* +1* +1* +1# Ini. 0* +1* 0# 0# +1* +0* 0* +1* 0# ******* DEFTNESS ******* (Note: ABs get double the Att skills in DF) Num. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 Att. +1* +1* +1! +2@ +1* +1* +1* 0# +2* +1# +1# +1# +1# Def. +1* +1 +1# +2@ +1* +1* +1# 0* +2@ +1# +1# +1* +1# Ini. +1* +1* 0* 0# 0* +1* +1* 0# +2* +1# +1# +1# +1# Par. +1 +1 +1* +2* +1* +1# +1* 0# +2# +1# +1# +1# +1# Rip. 0 0 0# 0# 0# 0# 0* 0* +0# +1# +1# +1# +1# Num. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Rip. +1# +1* +1# +1* +1* +1* +1* +1* +1* ___________________________________________________________________________ STYLE MODIFICATIONS: AB BA PL PR PS TP WS LU ST SL INITIATIVE -9 -3 -4 -5 -7 -7 -1 -2 -5 0 RIPOSTE -7 -4 -4 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 ATTACK -17 -8 -8 -12 -12 -14 -8 -6 -12 -8 PARRY -8 -8 -6 -6 -6 -2 -4 -8 -9 -10 DEFENSE -12 -13 -12 -14 -12 -12 -12 -10 -12 -12 DECISIVENESS +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 0 +1 0 NOTE: Ambidextrous warriors have +1 Attack skills. NOTE: Pagan's Heuristic theory on base RIPOSTE for ABs: WT 3 to 16 = 0 WT 17 & 18 = -1 Rip WT 19 + -2 Rip ___________________________________________________________________________ ST to 5: Att confirmed by Tigtoad(AB) - Exp Rating ST to 5: Par confirmed by Skanky Waif(TP) - AE Rating ST to 7: Att confirmed by Skinny(ST) - AE Rating ST to 13: No Att confirmed by Hanz(WS) - No Mas Rating ST to 13: No Par confirmed by Luigi (6-5142) ST to 15: Att confirmed by Bloodright(LU) - Exp Rating ST to 15: Par confirmed by Hope Crusher(SL) - Master Rating ST to 17: Att confirmed by Heart Wrencher(PR) - Exp Rating ST to 17: Par confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - AM Rating ST to 21: 2 Att confirmed by Jalon(AB) - GM Rating ST to 21: 2 Par confirmed by Jalon(AB) - GM Rating WT to 5: Dec confirmed by Blob(BA) - Exp Rating WT to 5: Def confirmed by Jalon(AB) - AM Rating WT to 7: Att confirmed by Blob(BA) - AE Rating WT to 7: No Dec confirmed by Blob(BA) - no AE Rating WT to 7: Def confirmed by Dr. Surfer (crstaples@facstaff.wisc.edu) WT to 7: Rip confirmed by Jalon(AB) - AM Rating WT to 9: No Dec confirmed by Blob(BA) - no AE Rating WT to 11: Ini confirmed by Jalon(AB) - Master Rating WT to 15: Att confirmed by Beaker(LU) - Expert Rating WT to 15: Def confirmed by Beaker(LU) - AE Rating WT to 15: Ini confirmed by Pagan139 - Mode to Exp WT to 15: Rip confirmed by Beaker(LU) - AE Rating WT to 17: Att confirmed by Crusher of Hope(LU) - AE Rating WT to 17: Dec confirmed by Crusher of Hope(LU) - Exp Rating WT to 17: Rip confirmed by Edwin Meese (LU) - Exp Rating WT to 19: No Att confirmed by Mantis Knight(SL) - no AE Rating WT to 19: No Def confirmed by Kings Buccaneer(PL) - no AE Rating WT to 19: No Ini confirmed by Risk Taker(LU) - no Master Rating WT to 19: No Rip confirmed by Mantis Knight(SL) - no AE Rating WT to 21: Att confirmed by Guy Smiley(LU) - Exp Rating WT to 21: 2 Att confirmed by Belana[Adie] - {Adv Mas Rating} WT to 21: Not 2 Dec confirmed by Hope Crusher(SL) - No AM Rating (NEED TO CONFIRM) WT to 21: 2 Dec confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - AM Rating (NEED TO CONFIRM) WT to 21: Def confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - AM Rating WT to 21: 2 Ini confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - AM Rating WT to 21: Rip confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - AM Rating WT to 22: Att confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - GM Rating WT to 22: Dec confirmed by I.B. Chartman!(LU) - Mas Rating WT to 22: Def confirmed by Dreamslayer(LU) - Adv Mas Rating WT to 22: Rip confirmed by Dreamslayer(LU) - Adv Mas Rating WT to 23: Def confirmed by I.B. Chartman!(LU) - Mas Rating WT to 23: Ini confirmed by Xerxes(LU) - Adv Mas Rating WT to 24: Ini confirmed by I.B. Chartman!(LU) - Adv Mas Rating WT to 24: Dec confirmed by I.B. Chartman!(LU) - Mas Rating WT to 24: Def confirmed by Tom Thumb - AM Rating WT to 24: Rip confirmed by Tim - Mas Rating WL to 7: Att confirmed by Jimmy/Edge (Modrnatlas@aol.com)(AB) - Exp Rating WL to 11: No Dec confirmed by Animal(ST) - No Mas rating WL to 11: No Def confirmed by Assurnasirbanipal - All skills learned. WL to 11: No Ini confirmed by Animal(ST) - No AE Rating WL to 11: No Par confirmed by Assurnasirbanipal - All skills learned. WL to 13: No Att confirmed by Jimmy James(ST) - No AE Rating WL to 15: Dec confirmed by Jester(LU) - Master rating WL to 15: Def implied by Rhajah Rouge(ST) - Gap (NEED TO CONFIRM) WL to 17: Att confirmed by King's Buccaneer(PL) - Master Rating WL to 17: Dec confirmed by Hope Crusher(SL) - Adv Master Rating WL to 17: Def confirmed by Roxy(LU) - Exp Rating WL to 17: No Ini confirmed by Squishy Geek(LU) - No Adv Exp Rating WL to 17: Par confirmed by Hanz(WS) - Master Rating WL to 19: No Att confirmed by Dark Vanity(LU) - No Master rating WL to 19: No Def confirmed by NebuchadnezzerLU) - No Adv Master rating WL to 19: No Ini confirmed by Risk Taker) - No Adv Master rating WL to 21: 2 Att confirmed by Strome[Adie] - Mas Rating WL to 21: 1 Dec total confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - no AM Rating WL to 21: 2 Def confirmed by Strome[Adie] - Adv Mas Rating WL to 21: No Ini confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - No Adv Mas Rating WL to 22: Att confirmed by Gen Snookums(WS) - Adv Exp Rating WL to 22: No Def confirmed by Belana[Adie] - No Adv Mas Rating WL to 22: Ini confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - Adv Mas Rating WL to 22: Par confirmed by Invisible Pedestrian(WS) - Adv Mas Rating WL to 22: Dec confirmed by Aristos(SL) - Gap WL to 23: Dec confirmed by Aristos(SL) - AM Rating WL to 23: No Def confirmed by Belana[Adie] - No Adv Mas Rating WL to 23: Ini confirmed by Belana[Adie] - {Adv Mas Rating} WL to 23: Par confirmed by Aristos(SL) - Master Rating WL to 24: Att confirmed by Invisible Pedestrian(WS) - Grand Master Rating WL to 24: Dec confirmed by Invisible Pedestrian(WS) - Adv Master Rating WL to 24: No Def confirmed by Belana[Adie] - No Adv Mas Rating WL to 24: Ini confirmed by Belana[Adie] - {Adv Mas Rating} WL to 25: Ini confirmed by DreamSlayer(LU) - Grand Master Rating WL to 25: Par confirmed by Hope Crusher(SL) - Adv Master Rating SP to 4: No Ini confirmed by Franz(WS) - No Mas Rating SP to 5: Def confirmed by Kings Buccaneer(PL) - AE Rating SP to 5: No Ini confirmed by Franz(WS) - No Mas Rating SP to 6: Dec confirmed by Poof[Wimpy] - Master Rating SP to 6: Ini confirmed by Belit(LU) - AE Rating SP to 7: No Dec confirmed by Jawbreaker - No Exp Rating SP to 7: Def confirmed by Invisible Pedestrian(WS) - AM Rating SP to 7: Rip confirmed by Lucky Savage[Wimpy](LU) - Mas Rating SP to 8: Dec confirmed by Sir Morphine(BA) - AE Rating SP to 9: No Dec confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - No AM Rating SP to 9: Ini confirmed by Midnight Caller(BA) - AE Rating SP to 10: Dec confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - AM Rating SP to 11: No Ini confirmed by Beaker(LU) - No AE Rating SP to 11: Rip confirmed by Beaker(LU) - Exp Rating SP to 11: 2 Rip implied by I.B. Chartman!(LU) - Rip got Exp: SP to 11: 2 Rip got AE SP to 11: 2 Rip confirmed by Snik Snak(SL) - 160 rip, SP to 11, AM Rip rating. SP to 11: 2 Rip confirmed by Beaker(LU) - SP to 11 got Exp, 3 skills got AE. SP to 12: Dec confirmed by Beaker(LU) - Exp Rating SP to 12: Ini confirmed by Beaker(LU) - AE Rating SP to 13: No Dec confirmed by Blob(BA) - No AE Rating SP to 13: No Def confirmed by Crusher of Hope(LU) - No AE Rating SP to 13: No Ini confirmed by Squishy Geek(LU) - No AE Rating SP to 13: Rip confirmed by Guy Smiley(LU) - AE Rating SP to 14: Dec confirmed by Blob - AE Rating SP to 14: No Ini confirmed by Mr Clean(SL) - No AE Rating SP to 15: No Dec confirmed by Chubby Rain(ST) - No AE Rating SP to 15: Def confirmed by Heart Wrencher - AE Rating SP to 15: Rip confirmed by Chubby Rain(ST) - AE Rating SP to 16: No Ini confirmed by Shock Wave - No Mas Rating SP to 18: Dec confirmed by Hope Crusher(SL) - GM Rating SP to 18: Ini confirmed by Mantis Knight - AM Rating SP to 19: No Rip confirmed by Mantis Knight - No AE Rating SP to 21: Rip confirmed by Confirmer V - Exp Rating DF to 5: Att confirmed by Confirmer VII(LU) - AE Rating DF to 5: Def confirmed by I.B. Chartman!(LU) - AE Rating DF to 5: Ini confirmed by Guy Smiley(LU) - Exp Rating DF to 6: Rip confirmed by Confirmer III(PR) - Adv Exp Rating DF to 7: Att confirmed by Gen Snookums(WS) - Exp Rating DF to 7: Ini confirmed by Betrayed Soul(BA) - Exp Rating DF to 9: Att implied by Gen Snookums(WS) - Gap (NEED TO CONFIRM) DF to 9: No Ini confirmed by Sir Morphine(BA) - No AE Rating DF to 9: Par confirmed by Gen Snookums(WS) - Adv Exp Rating DF to 10: Rip confirmed by Tim - Master Rating DF to 11: 2 Par confirmed by Flagg (Doone) DF to 12: Rip confirmed by Kraken(LU) - AE Rating DF to 13: Att confirmed by Hanz(WS) - AE Rating DF to 13: Def confirmed by Travis Morgan(ST) - AE Rating DF to 13: No Ini confirmed by Midnight Caller - No AE Rating DF to 13: Par confirmed by Travis Morgan(ST) - Exp Rating DF to 14: Rip confirmed by Risk Taker (LU) - Master Rating DF to 15: Att confirmed by Crusher of Hope(LU) - Exp Rating DF to 15: Def confirmed by Crusher of Hope(LU) - Adv Exp Rating DF to 15: Ini confirmed by Risk Taker(LU) - Adv Mas Rating DF to 16: Rip confirmed by Walks with Might(PR) - AM Rating DF to 17: Att confirmed by Sun Tzu(SL) - Exp Rating DF to 17: Ini confirmed by Sun Tzu(SL) - AE Rating DF to 17: Par confirmed by Marit(SL) - Adv Exp Rating DF to 17: No Rip confirmed by Marit(SL) - No Adv Exp Rating DF to 18: Rip confirmed by Snarl Skrlda(PR) - AE Rating DF to 19: No Def confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - No Master rating DF to 19: No Rip confirmed by Master Stroke(AB) - No Master rating DF to 20: Rip confirmed by Joro(AB) - Adv Master rating DF to 21: 2 Att confirmed by Gwynedd[Adie] - Adv Master rating DF to 21: 1+ Def confirmed by Gwynedd[Adie] - Adv Master rating DF to 21: 2 Ini confirmed by Gwynedd[Adie] - Adv Master rating DF to 24: Def confirmed by Hope Crusher(SL) - Grand Master rating ___________________________________________________________________________